Education and Youth

Mirmica organizes and conducts workshops in theater, dance, somatics, and audio and video production in schools of all levels, developing paths of research and group creation in which the expressive tool is integrated with models of participatory and laboratory work: the children themselves and their expressive desires are at the center of the thematic investigation and elaboration of actions.

Mirmica participates together with schools and other organizations in the creation of campaigns on issues of public relevance, such as personal and territorial well-being, cyberbullying, environmental education, overcoming psychiatric stigma.

Building on these experiences, Mirmica has also contributed its trainers to School-to-Work Programs and PGTO projects to facilitate the autonomy and skills acquisition of students.

Since 2020, it has worked in more than twenty institutions in seven Italian regions and is an accredited institution by the Ministry of Education for the New Three-Year Arts Plan.

Outside school contexts, Mirmica has collaborated and collaborates with territorial and international entities that deal with processes of training and social inclusion of migrant children, youth cultural accompaniment and training activities in contexts at risk of social exclusion.
It often involves families in the territories in which it operates in activities that allow them to meet the groups born in the association's other areas of intervention, in an effort to facilitate dialogue and the capacity for community inclusion.